About Us
Who we are?
Cleopa GmbH has been a provider of innovations in the field of energy since 1998 and offers a wide range of consulting and services that combine research and innovation with a great deal of practical experience. We are based in the Technology Park in Hennigsdorf near Berlin.
What we do?
The main focus of our work is consulting, services within the Cleopa energy network and an innovative project activity in national and international research projects.
What do you get back?
Due to our many years of experience in consulting around energy and resource efficiency, we are very familiar with the opportunities and challenges of possible scenarios. In this context, we as Cleopa offer tailor-made solutions for companies that want to reduce their carbon footprint, improve their public image from an ecological point of view and at the same time meet economic requirements. Sustainability is and will remain a relevant topic, where we as Cleopa stand by as a strong partner with advice and support.
Since the green future will only work if we initiate the right mobility projects and set precedents today, we are an active partner in numerous national and international research and innovation projects. This strengthens our position as an innovative company and enables us to offer our customers the best and most innovative solutions at an early stage.
In a nutshell: We are a smart, innovative company with many years of experience in the fields of energy and resource efficiency, smart services and research. We are an international team with a high quality standard and friendly, fast service for which our customers and partners appreciate us.
Since 2004, the HiPEAC (High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation) project has provided European researchers with a platform for computer systems and for fostering cooperation between science and industry as well as computer architects and tool manufacturers.
As part of the joint innovation strategy innoBB 2025 of the states of Brandenburg and Berlin, the cluster energy technology acts as a hinge between science and industry and strengthens the innovation and competitiveness of the region Berlin-Brandenburg. The actors of the cluster energy technology are specifically networked by the cluster management along the value chains and the innovation topics agreed upon in the dialog process and are supported in the initiation of projects in the early stages, e.g. in the formation of consortia for project networks.
The German Institute for Standardization e.V. (DIN), which was founded in 1917, is the independent platform for standardization in Germany and worldwide. As a partner of business, research and society, DIN makes a significant contribution to supporting the marketability of innovative solutions through standardization – whether in topics related to the digitization of business and society or in the context of research projects.The experts at Cleopa GmbH are involved in the development of numerous DIN SPEC standards.

Cleopa GmbH
Ahornstr. 83a
16727 Velten
Phone: +49 3304 / 5659744
Email: info@cleopa.de
Managing Directors: Bianca Olschewski | Pauliina Harrivaara
Amtsgericht Neuruppin HRB 9219
Ust-Ident-Nummer DE 196571782